The wait is almost over. With over two years in preparation by extremely dedicated volunteers and staff, Cinema Center is incredibly excited to unleash the 4 day celebration of film and the movies that is Hobnobben Film Festival on downtown Ft. Wayne. This June 16th thru 19th, we can’t wait to see everyone attend the workshops, panel discussions, question and answer sessions, and of course, the film screenings. For many of you, this will be your first film festival, and it is an amazing privilege that Cinema Center will be able to provide it for you.
For 40 years Cinema Center has served northeast Indiana. Since moving into our current home on the corner of Clay and Berry St. in 1991, we have been the small art house theater that plays indie films and that has worked out just fine for us. But looking into the future, including all the thrilling developments in our downtown neighborhood, we have decided that the time is perfect to not just show the best films in the region, but to
It is that experience that will make Hobnobben such an extraordinary addition to northeast Indiana’s festival landscape. Not only have we received film submissions from all over the world but we have several great titles that were made right here Indiana. Our Hoosier Spirit Showcase will emphasize the creative filmmaking force that is really making a big impression in Fort Wayne, as well as the rest of the state. Filmmakers from every stage in their career will attend the festival, allowing you as an audience member to ask them questions after the screenings, hear their thoughts on a film just shown, or just let them know if you loved or hated their movie (it’s a film festival, they are used to hearing all kinds of feedback).
The film selection allows for a wide and diverse spectrum of different movie experiences. We have documentaries by world famous filmmakers, inspiring family films and dramas, exciting films for the late night crowd, films from first-time directors, as well as movies by seasoned auteurs. Aspiring directors can check out workshops led by filmmakers and hopefully leave with knowledge that will make it possible for them to submit a piece to next year’s Hobnobben Film Festival.
Even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself a cinephile, we will still have exhilarating events like our free community block party held at the Arts United plaza with music, a free outdoor movie screening and a beer tent provided by Mad Anthony Brewing on Friday, June 17th. Parties will be abundant, and there is nothing quite like a film festival party. Also, film festivals are one of the few places where it is actually fun to wait in line, I promise.
We truly want you to “See & Be Seen” at this inaugural Hobnobben Film Festival. We encourage you to invite your friends and share all your amazing experiences so this event only grows year after year, and transforms northeast Indiana into a destination and haven for film lovers everywhere.
Thank you and see you at the movies,
Jonah Crismore
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